Relaxation With Armchair Yoga

This month, we introduced Armchair Yoga sessions to our residents and the response has been incredible; our holistic sessions, beautifully combine meditation and gentle exercises.
Our amazing residents joined in and their feedback speaks volumes, they absolutely loved it. Just take a look at the photos to see the joy and relaxation on their faces...

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be continuing these sessions, thanks to Chloe, our Activities Coordinator.
Here at Dalgety Bay Care Home in Fife, we wanted to offer something refreshing and beneficial for both the mind and body. It's all about nurturing mental wellbeing alongside physical health, which is why armchair yoga was the perfect activity. The engagement from our residents was beyond wonderful; they truly embraced the experience and enjoyed exploring something new and enriching. If you'd like to learn more about all the wellbeing activities we offer residents at Dalgety Bay Care Home please get in touch to book a tour of our home.